Atiku Tackles Jonathan, Says President’s Ambition A Threat To Nigeria’s Unity

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar who was on Monday adopted as the consensus presidential candidate of the North to vie for the ruling PDP ticket against the incumbent has accused his main rival in the contest, President Goodluck Jonathan of destroying the nation’s economy and unity.
Atiku spoke at a world press conference in Abuja, the text of which is reproduced below:
“On Monday 22nd November 2010, a giant step was taken in the effort to entrench the rule of law, secure our democracy, and strengthen our unity as a nation.
“1. After what were obviously difficult, rigorous, wide-ranging and exhaustive consultations, the Committee charged by the Northern Elders Political Forum with producing a consensus candidate from the North in the forthcoming PDP primary elections announced that day that I have been chosen as that candidate. Permit me to provide some background to this important decision.
“2. We are a diverse people who recognized early in our history that national unity, fairness and equity requires that we share positions of power among our diverse peoples. That is what we call zoning/rotation of public offices. That was why in the First Republic, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe from the South was ceremonial President, Tafawa Balewa from the North the Prime Minister and other key positions went to people from various ethnic and religious groups. We maintained that tradition under military rule and through all civilian administrations. Zoning and rotation have never been perfect, but we have always recognized their importance for the peace, unity, fairness and justice in this country. It is the mechanism which, at this stage of our development, ensures that every segment of the country, especially minority groups have a chance of producing the occupants of the most important offices in our country.
“3. It was against the background of alleged domination of the polity by the northern part of the country that the founding fathers of the PDP came up with the zoning policy which has now been entrenched in our party’s constitution.
“Zoning has become part of our political culture. That is how the PDP zoned the office of President to the South in 1999. In 2002, an expanded caucus of the PDP reaffirmed the zoning of the Presidency to the South for another four years after which it would be the turn of the north for eight years. Our current President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, was present at that expanded caucus meeting and voted in support of zoning.
“4. It, therefore, came as a rude shock to most Nigerians, including northern leaders in the PDP, when indications emerged that Dr Jonathan, would, in utter disregard of the PDP constitution and extant agreements, offer himself for election to the office of President in 2011. We were alarmed that the progress that we have made as a nation to address our diversity in relation to power-sharing would be jeopardized, with consequences that may be catastrophic.
“It was that concern that led to the formation of the Northern Elders Political Forum, which immediately began wide-ranging consultations across the country to alert Nigerians to the dangers inherent in one man, just because he feels he could, casually abandoning agreements painstakingly reached by broad sections of the country on the critical issue of power sharing. With total disregard for the stability of this fragile country, anti-zoning elements, in their desperation, resorted to a dangerous strategy of ethnic and religious politics to advance their selfish agenda. We know where such tactics have led other countries and even sections of this country in the past. We certainly do not want that for Nigeria.
“5. Those who were promoting this devil-may-care attitude demonstrated quite early that they would employ the power of incumbency and whatever means necessary to achieve their objective even if it means tearing this country apart. That is what led to the search for a consensus candidate in the north, to which the PDP had zoned the presidency. We believe that Nigeria is bigger than each of us individuals, including the incumbent President and that the unity of this country, equity and justice require that existing agreements freely entered into by individuals and groups be respected. This is not a North versus South thing as some dishonest people would like to frame it. It is about honour, trust and fairness. Our words must be our bond. We must learn to respect agreements so that the unity of this country may endure.
“6. I feel humbled and highly honoured to have been endorsed by my region to contest the forthcoming PDP primary elections to select the party’s flag-bearer in the 2011 Presidential election. I commend the members of the Committee for their sacrifice, their patriotism, their sense of duty and their integrity.
“7. I congratulate the other aspirants who were also screened by the Committee for their commitment, patriotism, service and sacrifice for national unity. All three of them, former President Ibrahim Babangida, former National Security Adviser, General Mohamed Aliyu Gusau, and Governor Bukola Saraki of Kwara State, are eminently qualified for the office of President. Their willingness to abide by the decision of the consensus committee has, once more, demonstrated their selflessness and patriotism. It is further proof of their monumental contribution to the peace, unity and stability of this country. Nigerians will forever remain grateful to them. I will continue to count on their support in the campaign to win the PDP primaries and the 2011 Presidential election.
“8. I am profoundly grateful to all Nigerians for their patience, support and understanding throughout this consensus process. I thank my campaign team and political associates and supporters for their efforts in getting us this far in the difficult journey of bringing good governance and meaningful development to our country. I also commend the campaign teams of General Ibrahim Babangida, General Aliyu Gusau and Governor Bukola Saraki for their civility and sense of responsibility throughout this process. I pledge to commence work immediately on integrating the four campaign teams into one as we agreed at the beginning of this process.
“9. Let me stress to the unified campaign team and our supporters throughout this beautiful country that the real work of trying to secure the PDP ticket and wining the Presidential election has just begun. We must double our efforts for that important task. I am confident that we shall prevail because we stand on the side of truth, honour, selflessness, integrity, justice, equity and
“10. I thank the international community for its interest and understanding as our country goes through the difficult process of building an enduring democracy.
“11. I hope that the conclusion of this consensus process will mark an end to the dangerous divisive politics, which our opponents have been promoting, so we can focus on the urgent economic challenges facing this country. Why are our budgets not being implemented? Why has the money in our Excess Crude Account disappeared at a time when oil prices have been way above the benchmark used for our budget estimates? Why are our foreign reserves being depleted to dangerous levels leading to rating agencies downgrading our status? Why is this government quickly dragging us back to indebtedness after we worked so hard and sacrificed so much in the past to pull ourselves out of debt slavery? Clearly we need a new leadership in this country. That is why I am in this race.
“12. I pledge to work tirelessly not only to achieve victory for the PDP but, more importantly, to lead the effort to build a Nigeria of my vision, a Nigeria which createsconducive conditions and incentives for productive investment in the industrial sector, agriculture and social services; investments that would create massive numbers of jobs which will keep our youth gainfully employed and help to tackle the high level of insecurity in the country; a Nigeria which understands that significant increases in productivity can only take place if we invest in education, research and modern technology, and infrastructure; a Nigeria which understands that greater prosperity through increased productivity is critical for us to be able to provide more rewarding and enabling social services, thus making us a more caring society which supports those who need help in order to have a more decent life; a Nigeria that would fast-track the development of the Niger Delta as well as address the cries of marginalization by different sections of the country; a Nigeria that is, therefore, more confident to take on the world and influence events in ways that serve our national interest and the interests of justice, fairness and equity.
“13. Ladies and gentlemen, I am ready to provide the leadership needed for the realization of that vision. With the support of all Nigerians, we shall realize that vision. Together we shall make good things happen. “

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