How to Make Real Cash Online with Textbroker

So you like making money writing online, but you don't like waiting longterm for the ad revenue to start? Write for hundreds of clients with Textbroker and be paid up front for it!


Things You'll Need:

  • Textbroker account
  • Time
  • Patience
    Understand Textbroker. Textbroker is exactly what its name suggests. People need writing done, be it SEO articles, press releases, or what have you. So they come and post jobs. You choose the jobs and write them, then release the text to your client. They pay you with PayPal.
    Go to and sign up for your free account. You need to supply a writing sample that the site uses to classify how good of a writer you are. You are given a score between 1 and 5. At each level, you are allowed to bid for higher and higher paid jobs. If you please your customers, your score will quickly rise.

  3. Prioritize the jobs. Depending on the word count and writing level, some jobs pay a lot better. For example, a lot of the jobs in level 4 pay between $7 to $15. But these writing jobs also demand a higher level of expertise and cleaner writing. In the time you spend researching and writing a level four, you can probably write ten or more level 1 and 2 articles. HOWEVER, level 4 and 5 clients are often looking for Direct Order writers (see below), and Direct Orders are the fastest money makers of all.
    Set your Direct Order price. If a client likes you, they may ask you to write directly for them. This is awesome, because you can set your base level price. Then they have to pay you that fee, PLUS whatever cost per word you select. If you're a fast writer, you can keep a lot of clients happy and coming back for more.
    Don't sweat the results too much. Many of the jobs can seem confusing with lots of arcane instructions. My experience with these jobs has been that the people who post on Textbroker are patient and gracious. If you don't please them the first time, they will usually send the jobs back a few times explaining what they want done. I've never had an article rejected outright, and rarely has one been returned for further work.
    Communicate often with your clients. You're not allowed to know their name or other contact information. But if you're familiar with the Facebook messaging system, the Textbroker one is similar. The more you talk to your clients, the more they will remember you and ask for more jobs. And the more money you make writing online!
    Save all your articles before you send them. That way if a client rejects an article, you still have it. And if it's written already, use it! Post it here on eHow. It's your property till you sell it. Put it on HubPages and other sites. The more the merrier, right?
    Your writing level is calculated using a composite of the score your clients give you and the rating Textbroker gives your work. Yes, the company reads every one of your articles, and they rate them. They often leave helpful tips for you on your articles that tell you why they rated your articles that way. Read them and learn.
    If you pass $200 in annual earnings, you'll need to fill out and send your W-9. This can happen faster than you might expect, so do it right away.

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