Ten people you shouldn't ask out

You may recall that last week my hair was dealt a crushing blow when the girl cutting it decided to ask me out for a drink, therefore ensuring I could never see her again due to the inevitable awkwardness. I was distraught because she was the best hairdresser I'd ever encountered. The moral of that story is, don't make a pass at one of your clients. Here are a few other people you shouldn't ask out…

Sleeping with a superior may seem like a great way to climb the professional ladder - and maybe it is sometimes - but it's a massive gamble. All the benefits you gain when it's going well will be reversed if it starts going badly. Eventually, one of you will have to leave: You. 

When you're in a position of power, you may become more attractive to younger, hotter subordinates who would normally be out of your league. But bonking them could see you lose respect as a team leader and it will also make the Christmas party awkward.

It's natural to be attracted to these manly, heroic figures with their long hoses and vigorous pumping technique. However, they have a job to do. If you interrupt a fireman while he's working, someone's house could burn down and a cat may perish.

It's said that these cart-driving dairy providers are prolific lovers, and maybe that's true, but it can't be a good idea to get involved with one. If it goes wrong, he will continue to turn up at your house every day. A frosty doorstep stand-off with your new lover would be inevitable. You would be forced to move.

Family members
Generally we don't fancy our close relatives but if it's a stunningly attractive third cousin twice removed who you've never met before, it might seem acceptable. It's not advisable though. People will talk.

Friends' family members
We all have a friend with a hot sibling. But unfortunately, our friends will not appreciate us pursuing them because they will find it weird. And you may also find it weird when you realise that your friend and his sibling share 60% of their facial features. As for your friends' hot parents, or even their hot offspring, that's always a bad idea. 

Married men
Several of the world's kindest and most handsome guys already have wives, which means you should not ask them out even if you think they're awesome. The main reason is that they will probably say no. But even if they yes, your actions could eventually leave his children scarred for life. Also, his wife may try to stab you with a fork.

Cliff Richard
It is tempting to ask out Cliff Richard because he seems nice and he's not officially in a relationship with anyone at the moment. But you shouldn't do it. For one, he's too old for you. Two, you might not be his type. And three, Sue Barker would stab you with a fork.

Coach drivers
You should not ask out the man driving the coach, however hunky he is, because it will divert his attention from the road and he could crash, leaving many dead. The same applies for bus drivers, pilots and men on bicycles.

Driving instructor

This is one of the sexiest of professions and the intimate nature of driving lessons, combined with the thrill of being bossed about by someone with years of experience, sends many ladies wild. But this desire should be resisted because if he says no, you will be forced to change instructors. This instability in your development could affect your driving ability in the long-term and people will make rude gestures to you on the road, which will upset you.

Watch out for next week!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, damn right. Don't date any of these, date me!



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