Why Do So Many People Fail At Internet Marketing?

Internet business income is something that many people dream about. The only ones for whom it becomes a reality are those who take direct action. This is not to say that everyone who takes action makes money online, but if you never take action, you will never generate your first dollar.
The vast majority of people who try to make money on the internet, end up as failures. It is not because they do not have the ability to make it happen. If you are able to understand the words you are reading right now, then you should be able to earn income online.

There are a few key reasons that most people fail at internet marketing. First and foremost is their mindset. For whatever reason, they assume it is going to be easy and natural. It is almost as if they view the internet as magical. They do not come into this, thinking in terms of starting a new career, and needing to learn new skills.
There is a related problem that can best be described as an addiction to instant gratification. For example, some guy decides to monetize Twitter, so he creates an account with a goal of getting one hundred thousands follower as fast as he can. He does a search on how to get more followers on Twitter and he freaks out when the tutorial tells him to work several hours a day for at least a year. He decides he picked the wrong thing.

She arrives at the conclusion that a personal lead list is better than Twitter anyway. She starts giving away free home business ebooks in the biggest surf exchanges, as the way to build her list. In less than 2 weeks she is really depressed since she only has several subscribers, so she goes back to the proverbial drawing board.
If they had bothered to read some of those ebooks they were giving away, they could have learned about ways to build their list that provide evergreen traffic. Things like article marketing, video marketing and using SEO (search engine optimization), to build WordPress websites.

You know what? This guy might have started each of these projects, but he would have quickly quit them too, due to the fact that they are also too slow. That, in a nutshell, is the biggest difference between losing and winning in online marketing.
The winners are willing to study and work for months without much to show for it. They don’t expect to be making big money the first year. They keep learning skills and growing their business steadily. If you are willing to do that, you may be very happy you did, within a few short years.

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