Late last nite, a bad rumor surfaced about Comedian/actor being involved in a snowboard accident which resulted in his death in Switzerland, Fortunately it is only a rumor...this is how Enews reported it...

Eddie Murphy is the latest victim of the death hoax rumor mill. Twitter exploded today with tweets that the Beverly Hills Cop funnyman had supposedly died. We are happy to report that... Murphy is sooo not dead. A website called Global Associated News posted a story claiming that Murphy died in a freak accident while snowboarding in Zermatt, Switzerland during a vaction with family and friends.

"Witnesses indicate that Eddie Murphy lost control of his snowboard and struck a tree at a high rate of speed," the report reads. Murphy was reported to have died on impact. "Trust me, Eddie is very much alive and well," the actor's rep assures us, "and definitely not in Switzerland snowboarding." Turns out the same exact article was posted on the website about Owen Wilson. And he, like Murphy, is alive and has not been snowboarding in Switzerland. A disclaimer on the site (in very fine print, of course) says the stories are fake and intended "for the purpose of entertainment." Spreading false rumors that someone is dead is entertaining? We think not.

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