Model offered N10m to act nude -Model.

In this era when many female artistes easily fall over themselves, ready to do anything, including acting nude or even selling their bodies, to make quick money, a Port Harcourt based model, Nancy Wuzor, has revealed that she actually rejected a N10million naira offer to act nude.
The 20-year-old orphan, who returned to the country last weekend, models for De Delicacy, owned by De Delicacy Magazine and Hotels, based in Israel. She spoke to us during her visit to the orphanage in Port Harcourt where she donated food items to the inmates.

 Two years ago, I received a message on my Face book, offering me N1omillion naira to act nude. Then, I was 18 years old. I actually played along with them, to know the details of their plans. These are well known people, but I wouldn’t want to reveal their identity. They were probably attracted by some of my pictures.
“When I saw the massage on my face book I thought it was a joke, until we started the discussion on phone. I backed out when I realised that they were actually serious with the offer.”

“To be frank with you, I co-operated with them until I realised that acting nude, is a big business for agents, who take nude pictures of their partners. This is because, as a model, there is a limit to the extent I can expose my vitals. Being an orphan is not enough reason for me, to mess around. I love God, and I will never succumb to temptations for the love of money.”

What I am doing today is what I have always wanted to do. When my mother was alive she gave me all the necessary support I needed to achieve greatness in modelling. I thank God that I am doing well. I know the future is bright and hopeful. Before, I got the one year contract to model with De Delicacy, owners of De Delicacy Hotels and magazine, based in Israeli; I had already signed a million naira deal with a popular cream in the country before I left the country for greener pasture. By the grace of God my contract with the De Delicacy will expire in March 2011.

I am just 20 years old, and I must state here that God has been faithful to me. While most of my mates; and even those who are my seniors rely on their parents for survival, I can confidently say that I am comfortable. I ride the latest car.

Mother’s death

My mother’s death was a great loss to me. I don’t like recalling the memory. My mother was a philanthropist and a role model to many, while alive. I am however happy that my career has blossomed. My desire is to attain greater heights because that was her wish for me.

Sexual harassment

Yes, I have experienced many, especially from agents, clients and managers. And as model, our duty is to look good. Most often, men get carried away by your look. However, I do understand how they feel. It is my duty to keep myself. Remember sexual harassment is not only when the opposite sex drags your underwear with you. It can be the way a man looks or touches you.

Romantic life
I know I am sexy and beautiful, but what I don’t actually know about is when I am romantic or not. I think my future husband is better placed to tell me about my romantic life, rather than telling you what I don’t know.

I don’t believe in boy friend and I don’t like it. With the level I am today, I don’t think keeping boy friend will be a wise decision to me. If any man love me and cherish me let him demonstrate it to me, when I am satisfied that he is a man enough for me. Then, the next thing is for him to see my parent; this is what I believe and not somebody to be following me around as boy friend.

My man

My man must understand and respect what I valued so much. He must be some one who will love me for who I am. Above all, he must be a man who gives glory to God in everything he does.

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