Share107 Nigeria To File Charges Against former U.S Vice President Dick Cheney Over $180 million Bribery

For years, Democrats tried to punish Dick Cheney for his ties to Halliburton. Now Nigeria will seek to do it for them.
Nigerian authorities plan to file charges against Cheney in a case alleging bribery amounting to $180 million. Nigerian authorities have detained individuals from Halliburton's Lagos office last week, AFP reports. Illegal payments were allegedly made to Nigerian officials in the course of planning construction of a natural gas plant in Nigeria.
A Nigerian judge will be asked next week to issue an arrest warrant for Cheney, who served as head of Halliburton before his vice presidency, AFP reports.
Cheney's connections to Halliburton were a source of scandal during his time in the White House because the company's subsidiary was awarded major contracts to restore postwar Iraq even though no additional companies were permitted to bid for the contracts.

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