Ajumoke Nwaeze, Loses Everything For Nigerian Idol

At last week’s result show, it was a shocker for many to see the talented singer Ajumoke Nwaeze, fondly known as AJ leave the competition.

“I’m excited about being in the competition, but if there was anyone I thought would have made it, it will be AJ and Godson. Godson, because he has real depth and AJ because she really has control”, Zoe the sixth contestant to make it to the top 10 phase said minutes after she was announced the contestant with the highest number of votes in group three.
Before now, the 22 year old singer who is a 300 level undergraduate of Genetics and Biology was a member of ‘Diamonds‘- the 2008 winners of popular talent show Star Quest and had gone on to perform with them at tours and shows.
She always wanted a solo career for herself, and saw Idols as an opportunity to make this happen. Other members of the band didn’t approve of this, so she had to leave the group, the house they all lived in and refused to play Star Mega Jam last year”, a source tells NET.

Nwaeze dedicated two of her renditions to one of the judges, Jeffery Daniel. During her audition in Calabar, she sang with a guitar and devoted the song to Jeffery. “He will be my sweet love today” she said to co host Misi back stage minutes before performing on Sunday January 2, 2010.

“Cool little AJ, from the day you sang to me with a guitar in Calabar, you have grown. It’s really good to see a lot come out from that cute little body of yours” Jeffery Daniel said amidst cheering from the crowd after AJ’s performance of Anita Baker’s ‘Sweet Love’.
Four days later, at the result show, everyone was shocked to hear Co host Anis announce AJ as one of the contestants who will be leaving the competition. Amidst murmurs and mutters, she left the stage. But it was the same AJ that was a shoulder for the seven other contestants, explaining to them that it was not the end of the world and that they should be happy for the opportunity.

It is true I left my band to be a part of the competition, and even though I didn’t make it, Nigerian Idol has exposed me to a lot of things, it’s not the end of the world, I am ready to launch my solo career and I am so sure that I will succeed. It’s the beginning of new things for me”, AJ tells NET.

And even though Misi put her money on it during auditions that the first Nigerian Idol will emerge from Calabar, it appears Misi might be losing a lot of money as there are no contestants from the Calabar auditions left in the competition – AJ and Graycee, the last set of contestants from the Calabar auditions didn’t have enough votes to take them to the next phase.

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