The Power Behind Getting What You Want In Life.

The Power to get what we want out of life, lies in our hands.To have the greatest achievers of all state is by Choice and not by Force. If we look at this two words that merely rhyme in pronunciation, the power to do all things also lies in the state of our Mind towards what we are intending to achieve. Life is not how hold you are into the work or practice you are doing, but what life is interested is what you have achieved doing that Job. The wayward attitude towards achieving ones goal is a major concern about having wealth,because the uncontrol attitude we have formed cannot made us what we want.Am going to take you through the Step of Acquiring Wealth.

Step 1: Know What You Want
The first and most important part of the process is KNOWING what you want. It‘s amazing how many people live their lives without setting any clear, specific goals.
If you‘re unclear on this part of the process, re-read lesson three.
Once you have a clear, definite idea of the type of life you want to build, you‘re ready for.

Step 2: Meditation
Once you‘ve identified your goals, write them down somewhere. There‘s power in commiting goals to paper.
The next step is to pick a time of the day, where you can spend 5 to 15 minutes, uninterrupted and do nothing but focus on your goals.
The best time to do this is in the morning when you‘ve just woken up. Lie up in bed or on a comfy couch. You‘ll spend the next few minutes focusing on your goals.

This will be your daily “meditation” time.
First, move into a state of relaxed meditation. Don‘t get hung up on the word ―meditation‖. We‘re not talking about specific forms of Eastern or Religious meditation. We‘re talking about moving into a peaceful relaxed state where you can connect to your subconscious.
Find a comfortable position – maybe lying on a bed or on the sofa. Be comfortable enough that you can relax – but not too comfy that you might fall asleep.
You do not have to worry about ―clearing your mind‖ or sitting cross-legged or any other type of meditation cliche. All we want you to do is get into a peaceful relaxed state.
It could be health, money, love, giving back to society – anything that pulls you out of the current reality trap and excites you.
If you still have no idea what you want at present don‘t worry – a state of peaceful meditation can be the perfect time to reflect and realize what you desire. Research shows that people tend to be more creative and in touch with their intuitive sides when they are in such states of meditation. Use this time to think creatively about what you wish to do with your life.

Step 3: Visualize What You Want
While at your state of relaxed meditation, visualize yourself having attained that which you‘re seeking to attract.

For example, if you‘re seeking to move into a bigger home, see yourself having this home. Picture yourself living out your dreams in your new home, such as wining and dining friends in the spacious kitchen, playing with the kids in the living room, mowing the greenest lawn and perfecting your flourishing garden. Bring in images that reflect the quality and type of home you want for your ideal lifestyle. If you want a pool – see yourself lounging by the poolside and enjoying the sun.
There are many ways to practice visualization. What you‘re doing here is called ―Creative Visualization‖. It‘s creative in the sense that you‘re attracting to you — creating— that which you visualize.

Use Your Senses
 It‘s important to make your imagery clear, vivid and colorful. The more realistic the visualization, the better the results. Some people may have difficulty visualizing. Don‘t worry about this – it could simply mean that your dominant sense is not sight. But maybe it‘s taste, or touch or hearing. That‘s fine – feel the warmth of your new fireplace, hear the sound of your kids playing in the pool, smell the gorgeous smells wafting from your new kitchen. The more senses you bring into this imagery, the better the results.

Bring Emotions Into The Mix
Remember the equation?
Emotions help magnify your power of attraction. When visualizing the life you want, feel the joy, happiness and excitement of the situation.
The stronger your emotions – the faster you can manifest into your reality that which you‘re trying to attract.
To increase the emotions associated with your visualization – build the feeling of having it NOW. IN other words, when you see your dream home, don‘t think of it as something that COULD come to you in the future. Imagine you had your dream home right now – picture yourself there and just think how you would feel if you were in that home right now – NOT sometime in the future IF you had enough money – but in the HERE and NOW. 

Seek the Greater Good
Another way to increase the emotions behind your creative visualization practice is to imagine more than just you benefiting from your attraction. Staying with the house analogy – see your kids loving the lawn because they have space to play ball. See
your spouse loving the brand new living room. See your friends and family visiting and feeling the warmth and beauty of the new home.
Do you recall the good feelings you get when you do a charitable act like donate money, or when you give a gift to someone who means a lot to you?
Remember what we said about feelings? Feelings are the soul‘s way of letting you know you‘re on the right track. The act of giving feels good because it‘s aligned with your inner being. The joy you feel is a sign of the appropriateness of your thoughts.
So when you practice creative visualization, see others benefiting. Family, kids, spouse, community, friends – the more people the better. When you see the smiles and happiness on someone else‘s face (even if you‘re just imagining a possible outcome), it helps to draw out more positive emotion. This added emotion in turn makes the process of manifesting faster and smoother.
That‘s really all it takes. Bring in your senses. Make the image real. Feel emotions and see others benefiting.
This whole process can take 5 – 20 mins. It‘s up to you. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to set the gears of the Universe moving in your favor.

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