How to Make Passive Income with Your Blog!

Many bloggers and writers online earn hundreds and thousands of dollars every month from their online work. Beginners see the evidence from the payment proofs and wonder how these writers achieve such enormous earnings. The truth of the answer lies in your own self. To earn a passive amount of income online takes a lot of effort. However, throughout the long run, you should benefit from the passive earnings without having to do work as hard as before.
1) Write your soul out as much as possible!
Everyone earns money by writing. If you will want to earn money, you need to post. By doing no work at all, where will the money come from? Some writers feel the need of posting regular fresh content to produce earnings. This is certainly true if you’re serious about making a passive income. The money depends on how regularly you publish an article. If you’re posting a few articles a month, you will see a very small difference in article earnings. However, posting more quality content frequently will boost earnings by over miles! Aim to publish 1 article a day and within a month, the earnings will be much more surprising than you would have imagined. If your greedy, double and triple the number of articles you publish a day.

How long should be my article?
I must alert you that an article should have quality content within 400-800 words. It is pointless publishing an article which contains very little content for the reader. When a visitor browses your article and finds it irrelevant due to little or hardly any content, they will leave and your name will always be remembered. These visitors may choose not to look at anymore of your work which puts you in jeopardy. Always provide the full information so that any visitor who needs to know something is actually there. It may sound impossible for writing a 400 word article a day but I also do this and can tell you that once you get into the game, it becomes easier and easier and soon you will be publishing a 400 word article every 30 minutes. Some articles do require more research which will take more of your time but it is always worth it in the end.

2) Serve ads from a range of networks!
Some writers own their own blogs which need layout maintenance. If you own a blog, the key to earning money is embedding ads from a range of different networks. Some of the best networks include Google Adsense and Adbrite. CPC ad networks can earn you a few dollars a click while other networks similar to Adbrite have more various earning methods such as CPM for every 1000 impressions. These pay rates can vary between advertisers usually ranging from $1-$6. From my experience, Adbrite certainly has some very high paying CPM ads that Helium, Triond and Bukisa ads do not earn you.On the other hand, Factoidz has very good CPM rates which can be higher than any other writing site with rates as high as $15 per 1000 impressions!
Embed CPC ads above the page and onto the right. These positions perform best while CPM ads need to be embedded above the page so the full page ads work effectively.

3) Market your articles!
No writer can earn no money without the page views that an article needs even with any CPC ads. If content is king, traffic is the queen and is most needed when you publish an article. Without bringing traffic to your articles, it is a waste of time writing it and would do no good. Thankfully, the internet has provided hundreds of social bookmarking sites that allow you to promote internet URLs and your own work. Use many as you can and witness the potential of these sites. One article submitted on one social bookmark might be powerful enough to send you hundreds or thousands of visitors in a few minutes. From personal experience, it has definitely happened to me before! Throughout the long run, the site sends you the traffic without having to promote on them endlessly. When you publish an article, provide some links to your other works. This can help bring fresh views to your older posts. If an older article is related to your current post, add the link! This helps if your article links are related to each other as the readers may need to know something very similar to what they have read.

4) Write product reviews!
This might be one of the biggest earners for a few writers who end up making hundreds of affiliate links which bring in thousands of dollars alone every month. Customers look through the internet for something to buy and they always search for a review to find out what others have said about a specific product. This is where you can come in! Write as many reviews as possible and provide affiliate links to products that they are looking for. Before you know it, you will notice some sales occur and this could last for months. Your own blogger blog now allows this incredible feature and you can become part of it now! To get started with earning affiliate income, signup with Amazon or Ebay

5) Post your content to other earning sites!
There is always the potential of doing something which boosts your monthly income. Your own blog may not rank high on search engines to bring the traffic you need. Visitors may search for information on a topic that you have written for already. Unfortunately, because your blog has no high ranking, it will not appear first on search engines and the traffic will instead be attracted to the articles on the first page which could have been you! Sites like Triond, Xomba, Helium and Bukisa rank very high on search engines which brings your article ranking high as well. Once you publish your article on these sites, it may not earn you on your blog, but you can still earn cash through these sites, giving you a chance to boost your income. From personal experience, I have written to a variety of sites including those mentioned and have achieved to earn over another extra $100 and is still counting! Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your blog and earn money through a number of sites than just one! Xomba also allows you to earn money and even promote your article links! Sign up for those sites above by clicking the links given!

6) Write on trendy topics!
Many experienced writers can tell you how important it is to provide content that is evergreen. There is no point of writing an article on a news report or anything similar which first brings a few hundred hits and then burns up too quickly. This would be the case because the news report will be of the past and no one will want to read it again. Writing content that is read throughout the year every year will do the best for you. For example, ‘Tips on Getting Pregnant’ is an evergreen article because the topic focuses on women and how they want to become pregnant. Millions of people are born every day and thousands die. Those who enter the world one day will search for the information while there are people now searching for the same information. All year round, it will always bring traffic and I can already see results. I have articles published over 2 years ago which still earns me money every month! To find out some trendy topics, check Google Trends or even Google search box where a list of similar searches can be discovered. Recently, I have written on some of these popular searches and they have received near a hundred hits and still counting!

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