How to break the ice.

I started a football course with three mates and this girl caught my eye straight away. She was the only girl there. No words were exchanged but I could see she was looking my way with a little smile on her face and when I caught her doing it she broke eye contact and looked the other way. Later on, me and my mate were talking and she was edging towards me slowly, literally doing baby steps sideways. She kept looking as if she was going to say something but quickly pulled away. What can I do? I know I have to talk to her but is there anything else I can do to stimulate attraction?

Kevin says:
It sounds like you’ve got an open goal here, Danny -  this girl is clearly impressed with your tackle. So don’t hesitate and miss the target like Emile Heskey, bang it straight it there like Cristiano Ronaldo. If you don’t, I guarantee one of the other lads on this training course will quickly take advantage of your profligacy.

Although, I have to ask, was she doing this course before you started? You might want to check whether she’s already had half the team and is now simply homing in on the new player, Vanessa Perroncel-style (allegedly). After all, you have to question why a girl would join a male-only football course? It’s not as if her football skills will ever be taken seriously.

It’s equally possible that you’re imagining the whole thing (I don’t mean the football course, just the fact that she is eyeing you up). But even if that’s the case, it can’t hurt to start a chat. Ask her what team she supports, or whether she thinks Coleen should take Wayne back.

And I’m sure there are all sorts of ways you could ’stimulate attraction’, if that’s the route you want to take. Serendade her with 1,000 keepy-uppys, or smack the coach over the head with a training cone (unless he’s nice). Or perhaps the coach has set the whole thing up – and this girl’s presence is an innovative test of whether you can be a true Premier League star. So get in there quick, son… and if you want to get top marks make sure you let your team-mates join in. 

Christine says:
There is so much going on here, and yet at the same time absolutely nothing. The good news is you both have the same hobby – football - so you have something in common already. That and an inability to talk to someone normally. So pull yourself together and be a man. It sounds like this girl is pulling out all the stops to get your attention: smiling, smirking, eye contact, standing close to you, the classic ‘edging sideways using baby steps’ technique. What are you waiting for? Dancing dwarfs to come on the pitch singing a medley of Lionel Richie songs while she leads a group of cheerleaders to spell out your name?

She’s probably shy too but she’s at least giving it go. You’re standing around looking baffled like a cat that’s just been shown its own reflection. Are you so afraid of being turned down that you’ll only make a move if you have the answer in writing first? There are a lot of other guys on this team so if you like her, I suggest you start making conversation, and quick, or the only thing you’ll be scoring with is a football.

And as for trying to ‘stimulate attraction’, you can’t make someone attracted to you, but you can make yourself seem more appealing. In fact the only thing you should be making stimulating at the moment is your conversation. Get to know her, pay her some attention and some well-chosen compliments, and you’ll suddenly stand out from the other men in identical football kits. And if none of that works, try edging sideways using baby steps or taking up netball.

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